Monday, December 11, 2006

Parts of my life I will never get back

This weekend was great, well except for Sunday. Saturday we got up early and hung out around the house. It went something like this; Breakfast, coffee, some reading, an hour workout on the trainer and an AB workout with the training ball. All of this was before noon mind you. We went out for lunch and then took Louie for a walk around the neighborhood lake. The weather outside was great! We walked out on the lake to throw the stick with Louie. It was hilarious to watch him try to run and stop on the ice. I bet his ass is still sore. G took of for Chicago and NYC Sat. afternoon so I went to the Y for a while and lifted. Later that night the neighbor had some people over to play poker. I didn’t really want to go for many reasons; I’m broke, I suck at cards, I wanted to get up early on Sunday for a long run, etc. Well, I was bullied into going over and I regretted it all day on Sunday. I spent 5 hours in a smoke filled basement listening to Blues playing cards all for the low price of $20. I felt like slitting my wrists the entire time. I was home by midnight and had like four or five beers. I ended up feeling like shit all day on Sunday. Seriously, do people still think smoking is a good idea? Anyway I laid around on the couch till like 4:30 pm when I finally forced myself to go out and run. I thought that it would suck, but once I got out there and fell into a groove the hour went by fast. I felt so much better afterwards. Even though I felt better I couldn’t get over how much of a waste Saturday night was. Man thinking about it still gets me all worked up.

Anyway, while I was in the basement, the dudes I was playing cards with were all like, “Yeah when I was younger I was in such great shape. Now that I’m older my body is all effed up because of the abuse I put it through while I was active. My knees, my back, blah blah….” Uhm…I don’t know, did you ever think that you feel so bad because of your current lifestyle rather than your previous one? Smoking like a chimney, drinking like a fish, and eating bar food every other night might have a little to do with the way you feel. I’m not saying don’t drink and stuff. I’m just saying don’t try to make the case that a previously active lifestyle is the reason for your body falling apart today.

Dana – glad to see you are reading. Hope the post honeymoon life is treating the two of you well.


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