Friday, July 21, 2006

Light me up

Last night I rode over to The Nook to have some beers and some laughs with friends while watching the tour. It was a good time. That place is always packed and the company was great. As I was getting ready to leave I realized I left my headlight at home. I had the light on my bag so I was covered there, but was a little nervous about oncoming hazards. The majority of my ride was on trails so I thought it would be no problem. The ride on the roads ended up being way better than the trails (the streetlights helped). It was pretty cloudy so I had no moonlight, and whatever light there was, quickly dissipated once I got under the trees. I just made a point to ride in the middle of the path cut through the trees and made it home without incident. It was a great ride. The weather had cooled, humidity was low, and it was super quiet. I stopped on the Ford Parkway Bridge to look at the skyline over the Mississippi, and kinda take it all in. This city is really great. I’m not saying that we’ll spend the rest of our lives here, but I won’t rule it out either. I’ve moved lots of times, so I know that no matter how cool a place may be, if you don’t have good people to hang out with, you might as well be living in Canton OH. I have to give a big thanks to Joseph for hooking me up with Girl Carl, who in turn hooked me up with Cat6, which is sponsored by Town Hall Brewery, which brings me back to beers and laughs. I thought about trying to bring that al back around to Kevin Bacon, but I like beer more than him.

G’s sister is coming up to Mpls. tonight via the MegaBus. It’ll be great to hear first hand how it goes, how long it takes, and if the $60 round trip from Chicago is as good of a deal as it sounds. It should be a pretty relaxing weekend between my 10 mile run, a 3 hour brick (2.75 hours on the bike, 15 minute run at race pace), swim workout, watching the tour, mowing the lawn, and the redecorating/home improvements G and Christina are planning. Really, another one of our relaxing weekends.


At 9:29 AM , Blogger AdamB said...

ouch! i think i spend as much time napping as you do working out!


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