Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Joy and Pain....Sunshine and Rain

Come on all you Rob Base Fans....

So today started out great, I stayed home to watch the tour and relax a bit. When it was over I got things ready and rode into work. It’s great to be the guy that people see in the late morning and are like, doesn’t that guy have a job, or who are these people that can ride their bike during the day on a Tuesday. The ride was great, sunny skies, warming temps, low humidity. I wanted to keep going for like another 2 hours, but alas the cube was calling. The shortened work day will be followed by the ride home which will be nice, but then the day will begin to suck. We have an appointment with the roofing company tonight at six. They are bringing over the warranty and the BILL. So I think it will go something like this “I’ll give you this super cool piece of paper with a bunch of small type that you will never read, and you give me $6,500” I‘ll, shout what an effing deal, throw my hands in the air with utter delight, and then spend the next 3 years working to pay it off. Seriously owning a house is awesome.

This past weekend I worked on fixing the bathroom. The biggest problem was that all of the paint that we put on the walls before we moved in was peeling off. So a few weekends back I spent 2 solid days peeling and scraping paint off the walls. I went back to the paint place and they said I needed to sand the walls, apply a primer and then put the paint on. So this past weekend I did just that (in addition to snaking the bathtub drain and changing out the light fixtures and exhaust fan). Last night I figured the paint had cured enough and I could safely remove the painters tape. It started out OK, but then the same thing started to happen. The paint on the tape was pulling the paint off the walls. Effing Sweet…..(If you could be here in person you would have heard me sing effing sweet, so it was like a “cool there’s nothing I can do about this might as well laugh”, rather than a “I am so pissed right now”). It didn’t peel as bad as the last time, but still the problem isn’t really fixed. Oh well, we have a 30 year mortgage so I guess I have plenty of time to figure it out. Seriously owning a house is super sweet.


At 4:14 PM , Blogger AdamB said...

Daaaaaamn. I have been sorta interested lately about buying a house and saving on rent. But now I think I will get a condo instead.

At 7:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you Al!


At 8:42 AM , Blogger evolving yeti said...

Adam, it seems like the condo fees for maintenance may be worth it. Given the school situtaion it might not be a bad idea for the two of you. You're an economist you can work the numbers. Make sure to factor in the cost of your TIME!


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