No use in complaining
So yeah its freakin hot here in the cities. It’s been in the 100’s the last few days with lows barely making the upper 70’s. Weathers been kinda tough on the training, though I managed to get a 12 mile run in yesterday. If you would have seen me I bet I looked like Floyd. Not suffering from ‘roid rage, rather dumping bottle after bottle over my head. When I got home my shoes were soaked from all of the water. WHne I walked into work this morning it was already 85, but hey it beats having to wear a facemask to avoid frostbite.
This weekend I was alone as G was doing her monthly tour at Walmart. I tried to stay inside as much as possible. Louie and I went to the dog park, but besides that I was in the basement watching movies. I saw A Thin Red Line for the first time. It’s been out since like forever, but I just managed to catch it on HBO. Pretty good flick, even if you aren’t into war movies. There is an interesting introspective, philosophical story about war that happens to be supported by the actual theatrics of warfare. I definitely recommend it, though not in a group as it requires all of your attention. I was living in Charleston, SC when the movie first came out on tape. I went over to a friend’s house, friends know as some of the bigger partiers in Charleston (which is quite a feat if you are not familiar with the scene there. It was Greg and Courtney for those of you in the know). Anyway I walked in one afternoon and a big group was watching the movie. I sat there for about 10 minutes and no one even noticed I was there, let alone say hey to me. I assumed they were all really stoned, turns out they were just really into the movie. It takes a lot to grab their attention for prolonged periods of time, so that’s saying something. So my promotion of the movie, “Hey even sober stoners are into it!”
We are going to see the Eels tonight at the MN Zoo. It’s an outside deal so not sure how comfortable it’s gonna be. I’ll try to get some pics and post them tomorrow along with a story wrapping up my take on the Eels live. I’ve seen them twice before and they couldn’t have been any different than one another. We’ll see what we get tonight.