Friday, January 11, 2008

So I’m gonna change the format. Please stick around

If anyone still reads this knows that I haven’t updated it in a long time. So to give myself some motivation for it I’ve decided to change the format a bit. I don’t think the format change will bring in more readers, and the content may even turn some away. I’m gonna use this thing primarily as a training journal. I mean I have Training Peaks to keep track of the actual data, but this will have some personality to it. Also, I’ve been meaning to bring a camera with me on all my training runs and rides so I can have some pics to post with the account of the workout, but as most of you know I am SUPER forgetful. So keeping with the spirit of the new blog, here is what went down yesterday.

5:00 pm – 1:15 Bike
I went to the Chiropracter after work and before the Y to have my shoulder worked on. I may have a rotator cuff injury, but more on that some other time. I got to the Y a half hour before a group cycling class was supposed to start. The class was 45 minute long so the timing worked perfect for getting the 1:15 and changing things up halfway through to keep things interesting. Almost everyone was a regular so they all looked at me weird when they walked in. I had the last laugh though. When their “time” was up they all got off the bikes and started stretching. I needed to get more time in though so I kept riding. The instructor was like, “Yeah I guess stretching is optional”. It made me realize where regular cyclists are in terms of fitness when compared to the general public. Score – Hardcore 1, YMCA Faithful 0.

7:30 pm – 45 min. Run
Man it was a great night for a run. The temp was right around 30 and for some reason it seemed to be really quite outside. Well except for the planes overhead (Yes I Live in SW Mpls.). I ended up running mostly along the Minnehaha Creek. With the lights, the creeks running waters, and the snow on the ground it was really something great. Again, if I only would have had the camera you would have been able to see it for yourself. I even ran across a family out sledding, cool stuff. The Twin Cities really are a great place to live.


We don’t technically live in the suburbs, however our neighborhood has all the same features. This was really clear on the run last night when I was heading down Lyndale towards the creek. Even though it was 30 degrees out, some white kid in his parents car was rolling down the street with the windows down and blasting some gangsta rap. Classic stuff man.


At 10:10 AM , Blogger Lunatic Biker said...

I hope the new updates will include pictures of tri wetsuits. Word to Louie.

At 10:28 AM , Blogger T3 said...

keep the updates coming. i need stuff to do at work now that smithers went off the grid.


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