Monday, July 16, 2007

I hope it doesn't happen to me

On my way home from my ride tonight a saw a bunch people heading in to a picnic/barbecue. Most of them were casually dressed, a little more dressed up than casual I suppose. It was probably a birthday party or something. Anyway, there was one older dude walking in and he was way more casual, pretty much sub-casual. He had a super old T-shirt on that was so tight over his belly that there was a gap between the bottom of the shirt and his shorts. When you get old do you just totally lose your mind, completely stop caring, or are these people like that all there life and just never change? Regardless I hope that I always care enough and have my wits about me to look suitable for public appearances.


At 4:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Losing the will to care can happen to anyone, but usually takes such a devestating life experience that I wouldn't even wish this upon my enemies. I think most people like this, have always been like this.

Kinda like my uncle/cousin


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