Thursday, May 04, 2006

Everyone is Connected, Except for Me

So it seems like everyone that I run into lately is somehow connected to the biking world. Last night on my run I caught up to another runner and decided to be friendly and run alongside them and strike up a conversation. We were chatting for a while and he was saying how he hadn’t been out on his bike lately because of all the rain. He also mentioned that there were a few riders in the area, the most notable being of the last Flanders. He told me where in the neighborhood Flanders and his posse meets for their rides and that I should show up if I was interested. I politely thanked him for the information but told him that I just recently joined a team that was around for all of the reasons Flanders wasn’t, encouragement not elitism. He said, yeah I know what you mean they are big road snobs. Anyway, he asks me what team and I was like, Cat6 bitch. Then he was like “Oh yeah, that’s Tylers team right.” And then I was like yeah, recognize! Turns out he is a Sugoi and Scott sales rep. I guess he’s trying to get Freewheel to carry Scott and has given Tyler a bike to test ride. Skids if you are reading this lets get that thing on the road on a Mendota ride, unless you already have.

So the point of this post is to say that a lot of people that I run into lately have cool jobs working with things that are super interesting to me. While I on the other hand have to be sitting here in this cube, staring at the computer waiting on the co-working geriatrics to either retire or die before this place livens up a bit. No real human contact to speak of for 8+ hours a day can really wear on a person. To think only 34 more years to go!


At 8:21 AM , Blogger AdamB said...

Man, I hear that. Some days I don't see ANYONE at work, or do more than a half hour of productive labor.

But there are upsides to that, too.

Tyler did in fact bring out the Scott a couple rides back. Climbs like a vine. A really fast vine. I heard the frame is 880 grams. I think my hair weighs more than that, even.

Good luck with your race broham.


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